Infra Sur News

InfraSUR News and upcoming events:

January 2016
EPA Region 3, Hazardous Waste Cleanup Division will host an all-day Advanced Tools for InSitu Remediation Workshop at the EPA Region 3 Philadelphia Office. on Monday, February 8th, 2016.    InfraSUR  will be presenting  at this workshop.

February 2015
A leading symposium focused on environmental biotechnology and related research, development, and applications in environmental characterization and remediation was held in Miami, Florida  on May 18-21, 2015. Organized by Battelle,The Third International Symposium on Bioremediation and Sustainable Environmental Technologies, provides timely access to advanced ideas and case histories as well as the professionals and research engineers and scientist behind them.  InfraSUR particpated in the symposium in various ways, including preparation/delivery of the following poster or platform presentations:

DNAPL Source Zone and Dissolved-Phase Plume Treatment: ZVI and BiRDS Combined Remedy Strategy
James Studer (InfraSUR LLC)

Bedrock Applications of Biogeochemical Reductive Dechlorination (BiRD)
Matthew Burns (WSP USA) and James Studer (InfraSUR LLC)

Biogeochemical Reductive Dechlorination (BiRD) Bench Study: TCE Plume in Tampa Limestone
Mark Culbreth (ECT Inc.) and James Studer (InfraSUR LLC)

November 2014

InfraSUR LLC has joined the Industrial Affiliates Program of the Interstate Technology & Regulatory Council (ITRC). Jim Studer, managing principal of InfraSUR, joined the Fractured Rock Characterization and Remediation team to assist in advancing environmental solutions involving environmental restoration of subsurface environments. This is the second time around for Jim’s involvement with ITRC. In the mid-1990s Jim participated on the In Situ Chemical Oxidation (ISCO) work team that produced the widely referenced Technical and Regulatory Guidance for In Situ Chemical Oxidation of Contaminated Soil and Groundwater (first and second editions).

August 2014
InfraSUR LLC announces that the BiRDS (sm) technical support and licensing program has achieved an early business milestone by supporting multiple clients during feasibility studies, bench treatability studies, field pilot tests, and full scale applications involving Biogeochemical Reductive Dehalogenation and Metals Stabilization (BiRD or BiRDS). Site applications for groundwater remediation involve unconsolidated formations and bedrock systems. Material types include fluvial and glacio-fluvial depositional sequences, glacial till, saprolite/residuum, semi-arid basin fill sequences, and marine depositional sequences. Thus far, bedrock systems are comprised of limestone but all bedrock types are applicable. In most cases, clients are interested in capturing the lower cost profile and enhanced performance potential of BiRD by converting from or supplementing zero valent iron and/or enhanced anaerobic bioremediation approaches.
June 2014
InfraSUR is conducting multiple laboratory bench scale treatability studies to support groundwater remediation projects across US and Canada. Work continues at the Biosciences Center but additional laboratory space, equipment, and expertise has been added in collaboration with the University of New Mexico. Besides microcosm and column testing capability, InfraSUR has successfully launched its Elemental, Mineralogical, and Morphological (EM&M) Evaluation services. EM&M includes specialized analytical/inspection capability empowered by expertise and over US$10M of specialized equipment. Typical test applications involve XRF, XRD, SEM (with enhancements), and TEM (with enhancements). The Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) capability supports our characterization work at the nanometer scale.
June 2014
InfraSUR LLC with exclusive partner HydroResolutions LLC are commercializing the new integrated field test platform Subsurface Injection Field Testing through the InfraSUR SIFT (sm) technical services business line. InfraSUR and HydroResolutions are leaders in subsurface hydrogeologic and hydraulics characterization for waste management and remediation purposes. The new SIFT capability involves specialized hardware, software, human expertise, and protocols and is available to the engineering, environmental, and natural resources development community where state-of-the-art characterization of complex subsurface hydraulics and fluid flow is desired. The initial field stage involves conduct of the PneuSine process that involves propagation of frequency and amplitude modulated sinusoidal energy waves into the formation. The second stage that follows involves controlled emplacement of injectate with composition and volume dependent on the test goals and objectives. Predictive and inverse simulations are conducted using the leading numerical simulator nSIGHTS.

May 2014

The leading conference focused on environmental remediation will be held in Monterey, California during May 19-22, 2014.  Organized by Battelle, The Ninth International Conference on Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds, provides timely access to the most advanced ideas and case histories as well as the professionals and research engineers and scientist behind them.  A number of Short Courses will be offered on Sunday and Wednesday during the conference.  InfraSUR’s Jim Studer will be one of the three instructors for the following short course on Wednesday:

Biogeochemical Reductive Dehalogenation and Metals Stabilization: Basic Science to Engineering Theory and Practice
Instructors:  James Studer (InfraSUR LLC), Elizabeth Butler (University of Oklahoma) and Lonnie Kennedy (Earth Science Services LLC)

Please see the December 15, 2103 version of Short Courses prepared by Battelle, for information on the courses, times, and fees.

March 2014

Jim Studer, InfraSUR managing principal, is an invited speaker at The 24th Annual International Conference on Soil, Water, Energy and Air organized by the AEHS Foundation. Speaking in the “Technology Advances in Remediation Science” session, he will present on In-Situ Biogeochemical Treatment Technology with emphasis on the BiRDS engineering process.  The conference will be held in San Diego, California March 17-20, 2014. Additionally, platforms/posters concerning projects that InfraSUR has supported will be presented by others.

January 2014

James Studer, InfraSUR, has again been invited to be an instructor for Certified Hazardous Materials Managers (CHMM) certification training.  The next training site is Los Angeles, California.

December 3, 2013

Jim Studer, Principal of InfraSUR LLC will be speaking at the Air and Waste Management Association (AWMA) Albuquerque Chapter meeting.

November 12-14, 2013

James Studer, Principal of InfraSUR LLC will be speaking at the International Environmental Petroleum Conference (IPEC) San Antonio TX

November 5-6, 2013

James Studer, Principal of InfraSUR LLC has been invited  to be an instructor for CHMM certification training in Tucson, Arizona.

October 28-30, 2013

James Studer, Principal of InfraSUR LLC, will be speaking at the 16th annual “Brownfields in Motion” themed Florida Brownfields Association Conference.  This conference will take place in West Palm Beach, Florida on October 27-30, 2013. Jim’s presentation is titled:

Biogeochemical Reduction Dehalogenation Treatment of Groundwater Plumes – Status of the Practice Shift from Biotic to Abiotic Degradation Pathways

October 23, 2013
InfraSUR’s Jim Studer is invited to be a guest speaker for the Graduate Student Seminar Series hosted by the University of New Mexico Department of Civil Engineering.

October 16 – 18, 2013

InfraSUR LLC is sponsoring the twelfth annual Remediation Technologies Symposium (RemTech 2013), the premier Canadian remediation technology transfer event for environmental professionals, encompassing the latest innovations in soil and groundwater remediation. This outstanding event is to be held October 16-18, 2013 at The Fairmont Banff Springs in Banff, Alberta. We look forward to seeing you there.

October 10-11, 2013

James Studer, Principal of InfraSUR LLC, will be speaking at the Florida Remediation Conference (FRC) 2103 at the Caribe Royale in Orlando FL. This is Florida’s leading conference focused on environmental remediation.  Jim’s presentation is titled:

Removal of the Fuel Additive Ethylene Dibromide from Groundwater by Biogeochemical Reductive Dehalogenation

August 2013

InfraSUR LLC is a sponsor of Interstate Technology & Regulatory Council (ITRC) two day classroom training workshop titled Light Nonaqueous-Phase Liquids: Science, Management, and Technology. This classroom training event is scheduled for October 1 and 2, 2013 and is hosted by ITRC state members California Department of Toxic Substances Control and California Water Boards Training Academy.

This event will be held in Garden Grove,California. Please see the ITRC website at /Training for more information.

May 16, 2013

InfraSUR LLC and Earth Science Services, LLC (ESS) enters into exclusive Marketing Agreement whereby BiRD may be marketed to third parties for site application and/or outright sale to the benefit of both parties.

ESS of Oklahoma City, OK, USA holds US patent #6,884,352 B1 “Treating Toxic Solvents and Heavy Metal Contaminants in Ground Water and Soil using Iron Sulfides Microbial Geochemical
Treatment Zone” referred to as BiRD and has, through its principle (Dr. Lonnie G. Kennedy) certain expertise and specialized knowledge in the application thereof.  InfraSUR of Albuquerque, NM, USA is a company specializing in environmental engineering and remediation, and environmental remediation sector sales and marketing that has expertise in these areas predominantly through their principle, Mr. James E. Studer, M.S., P.E.

InfraSUR has been collaborating with ESS since 2010 on the commercialization of the patented BiRD technology and with this agreement has forged a more formal tie with the innovator Dr. Kennedy and patent holder ESS. BiRD is applicable to halogenated compounds such as the chlorinated aliphatics PCE and TCE, the brominated ethylene dibromide (EDB), heavy metals and oxy-anions that are reactive in low-temperature sulfide conditions, and nitroaromatics.  PCP, halogenated herbicides and pesticides, perchlorate and other compounds may be treatable as well. Efficacy and field demonstrations have been completed for the chlorinated aliphatic compounds and EDB. The US Air Force has been an important factor in field demonstrations at some fifteen locations across the Western Hemisphere and Pacific theaters. As of August 2013, there are eight commercial level projects in various phases of contracted development at US Department of Defense and private sector facilities.