InfraSUR LLC and Earth Science Services, LLC (ESS) enters into exclusive Marketing Agreement whereby BiRD may be marketed to third parties for site application and/or outright sale to the benefit of both parties.
ESS of Oklahoma City, OK, USA holds US patent #6,884,352 B1 “Treating Toxic Solvents and Heavy Metal Contaminants in Ground Water and Soil using Iron Sulfides Microbial Geochemical Treatment Zone” referred to as BiRD and has, through its principle (Dr. Lonnie G. Kennedy) certain expertise and specialized knowledge in the application thereof. InfraSUR of Albuquerque, NM, USA is a company specializing in environmental engineering and remediation, and environmental remediation sector sales and marketing that has expertise in these areas predominantly through their principle, Mr. James E. Studer, M.S., P.E.
InfraSUR has been collaborating with ESS since 2010 on the commercialization of the patented BiRD technology and with this agreement has forged a more formal tie with the innovator Dr. Kennedy and patent holder ESS. BiRD is applicable to halogenated compounds such as the chlorinated aliphatics PCE and TCE, the brominated ethylene dibromide (EDB), heavy metals and oxy-anions that are reactive in low-temperature sulfide conditions, and nitroaromatics. PCP, halogenated herbicides and pesticides, perchlorate and other compounds may be treatable as well. Efficacy and field demonstrations have been completed for the chlorinated aliphatic compounds and EDB. The US Air Force has been an important factor in field demonstrations at some fifteen locations across the Western Hemisphere and Pacific theaters. As of August 2013, there are eight commercial level projects in various phases of contracted development at US Department of Defense and private sector facilities.
InfraSUR is actively seeking clients to provide technical support services in the evaluation and implementation of the groundwater plume management technology, typically deployed as a permeable reactive barrier (PRB). These services include technology screening and feasibility study support services including design-data collection specifications and specialized field support, bench-scale treatability study services, pilot scale design and implementation support services, and full-scale design and implementation technical support services. In addition to these professional sub-consultant services, InfraSUR offers a plume-specific pilot and full scale licensing program for the field application of the technology.