At the Twelfth International Conference on Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds, InfraSUR gave platform and poster presentations on a highly successful full-scale application of the in-situ chemical reduction treatment technology called Biogeochemical Reductive Dechlorination (BiRD). InfraSUR was retained by Versar to provide pre-design investigation leadership including bench testing and full-scale design and implementation support. The application, six years in post-treatment performance monitoring (as of 2022), took place at Buckley Air Force Base (now space force base) near Denver, Colorado. BiRD is being applied at four separate chlorinated solvents plumes at the base with good outcomes but these presentations were focused on the first of these full-scale applications, what is called the “PCE Plume”. After one injection event to create an in-situ permeable reactive zone containing in-situ generated iron sulfides, the PCE plume was cut-off with detected concentrations taken below negotiated cleanup target of 5 ppb for over 5 years. This is possibly the most environmentally and economically sustainable technology available in the marketplace for many types of contaminants and site conditions.
You may download a PDF of the Poster presented at the conference here.